Pau D Arco bark comes from a tree that grows primarily in Argentina and Brazil.
The tree is known as taheebo. Unlike other trees in its midst, pau d arco does not develop fungus growth.
It contains a chemical called lapachol, which may account for the herb s traditional use in strengthening and supporting the immune system.
Pau d arco also has been used traditionally to maintain a healthy circulatory system.
Nature s Sunshine s pau d arco comes from Brazil.
It is available in a variety of forms, including capsules, bulk for tea, liquid extract and soothing lotion.
Each capsule contains 500 mg pau d arco.
The tree is known as taheebo. Unlike other trees in its midst, pau d arco does not develop fungus growth.
It contains a chemical called lapachol, which may account for the herb s traditional use in strengthening and supporting the immune system.
Pau d arco also has been used traditionally to maintain a healthy circulatory system.
Nature s Sunshine s pau d arco comes from Brazil.
It is available in a variety of forms, including capsules, bulk for tea, liquid extract and soothing lotion.
Each capsule contains 500 mg pau d arco.