Blessed Thistle historically has been used to support the female reproductive system, improve digestion and support liver function.
It contains sesquiterpene lactones (support digestion) and lignans.
Blessed Thistle is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated in Europe and the United States as a medicinal herb.
This 'bitter' annual, thistle like herb grows up to 50 cm high with the Whole Herb being used for therapeutic benefits.
Traditionally used by nursing mothers to increase breast milk.
Can also assist in temporary relief of symptoms of respiratory catarrh and flatulent dyspepsia.
It contains sesquiterpene lactones (support digestion) and lignans.
Blessed Thistle is native to Asia and the Mediterranean region and has been cultivated in Europe and the United States as a medicinal herb.
This 'bitter' annual, thistle like herb grows up to 50 cm high with the Whole Herb being used for therapeutic benefits.
Traditionally used by nursing mothers to increase breast milk.
Can also assist in temporary relief of symptoms of respiratory catarrh and flatulent dyspepsia.