East meets West The formula was developed using both Western and Chinese herbal medicine systems for the best of both worlds. Harmony helps balance and support normal female physiology during hormonal changes. The well researched hormonal supporting western herb Vitex agnus is combined with Chinese herbal tonics. The herbs Rehmannia, Paeonia, Dioscorea, and Angelica (Dong quai) also provide extra nourishment and enhance well being and build up your body's reserves. Chinese medicine uses these herbs to successfully assist millions of women with menopause and menstrual related symptoms, and the results are well documented over a 5000 year period. For stress and nervous tension, Bupleurum, the herb of choice in China, is also added along with Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D for bone support. Calcium and vitamin D are important nutrients for hormone regulation. Harmony's principal herb, Rehmannia, is a major Chinese herb that is commonly used for treating gynaecological symptoms, especially heat related. Rehmannia is very effective for reducing heat. Excessive heat causes hot flushes, irritability and sleeplessness. Rehmannia is also a strong tonic that provides nourishment and has moisturising properties. This helps improve general well being as well as the health of the skin, nails and hair which is often noticeably improved after taking Harmony for a couple of months.
Supports symptoms:
Hot flushes
Menstrual cramps
Fluid retention
Nervous tension
Mood swings
Mild anxiety
Joint aches
Breast tenderness
Premenstrual tension
Abdominal bloating
Night sweats
The image shown is of 60 tablets. However, the product sold on this page has 120 tablets.